Central Kentucky Personal Injury & Civil Litigation Attorneys

Richmond, Kentucky Products Liability Lawyers

Helping consumers injured by defective products and equipment, dangerous drugs and defective medical devices

Manufacturers have a duty to consumers to only place products on the market that are safe for their intended use or any reasonably foreseeable use. When manufacturing defects, design defects or inadequate warnings lead to serious personal injury, the manufacturer can be held strictly liable for the damages caused. The products liability lawyers at Davis & Haymond, P.S.C. in Richmond and Irvine hold product makers liable for the harm they cause. We are not afraid to go up against the corporate giants and their teams of lawyers when the public safety and the lives of our clients are at stake.

Our Kentucky products liability lawyers have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to handle any kind of product defect case, including manufacturing defects, design defects, failure to warn, and cases involving dangerous drugs or defective medical devices.

Manufacturing Defects

We hold product makers responsible for faulty products caused by a defect in the manufacture, whether due to negligent or untrained workers, faulty equipment or machinery, or the use of substandard materials. Whether only one unit was defective or thousands were, we dedicate ourselves to representing our clients and getting them the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to.

Design Defects

Negligent or defective designs can create cars that rollover when they shouldn’t, with roofs that crush when they should withstand the impact. Power tools like table saws built without safety guards, or home appliances like irons and space heaters designed without automatic shut-offs, can cause serious personal injury or wrongful death and may be considered defective for purposes of products liability law. Simple design changes could often save lives, but corporations choose instead to maximize profits.

Failure to Warn

Many products can be extremely dangerous if not handled and used properly. Examples include paints, industrial solvents and household cleansers that shouldn’t be mixed with other substances or that should only be used in well-ventilated areas, or that require the use of gloves, masks or safety goggles. Such products need to be clearly and conspicuously labeled with appropriate warnings, along with adequate instructions for their safe use. Manufacturers and distributors can be liable for injuries that result.

Dangerous Drugs and Defective Medical Devices

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to approve every drug and medical device before it is prescribed or used on patients. Unfortunately, drug companies and medical device manufacturers, in their mad rush to be the first on the market with the newest blockbuster pill or high-tech knee replacement, find ways to skirt the FDA approval process or fail to be forthcoming regarding company-funded studies and tests of their products for safety and efficacy. Other misconduct in the pharmaceutical industry includes marketing products for off-label uses that they were never safety-tested for, exposing countless unsuspecting patients to unknown or unintended serious side effects. Dangerous drugs have been known to cause an endless list of harmful effects, including blood clots, tumors, uncontrollable bleeding, heart attack, stroke and death. Defective medical devices such as hip or knee replacements, transvaginal mesh and IUDs, or shoulder pain infusion pumps can malfunction, requiring painful revision surgeries or causing serious organ damage and permanent disability.

Get Help with Your Kentucky Products Liability Claim from Experienced and Dedicated Attorneys

Going up against the corporate giants is never easy. Litigation can be lengthy and expensive and require a great deal of effort. At Davis & Haymond, P.S.C., we are willing to put in the time necessary to obtain a successful recovery for the injury victims we represent. As a client of Davis & Haymond, you will not be charged any legal fees unless and until we recover for you. COURT COSTS AND CASE EXPENSES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT. Contact Davis & Haymond, P.S.C. for a free consultation. We have offices in Richmond and Irvine and serve Berea and other communities in central Kentucky. If you cannot travel to our offices, we will gladly come to you. Call (859) 624-3380 or (606) 726-9991.

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